Ram Raids & Retail Crime: The Hidden Impact - Allied Security New Zealand
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Ram Raids & Retail Crime: The Hidden Impact

When we hear about ram raids or armed robberies in the news, the focus is often on the physical damage: shattered windows, smashed storefronts, stolen goods, and the chaotic mess left behind. Images and news reports capture the destruction and financial loss. However, what’s often missing from the conversation is the deeper, less visible toll these incidents take on the people directly affected.

Beyond the Financial Loss: The Human Impact

But the true cost of these crimes goes far beyond the stolen cars or damaged buildings. What's often overlooked is the lasting impact on the people involved - business owners, store managers, and retail workers. Many face not just financial strain, but emotional and psychological trauma as well.

We sat down with our National Retail Security Manager, Matt Murray who has attended the aftermath of many of these incidents. ''I’ve seen firsthand the human toll they take. The immediate fear and shock, visible in the eyes of retail workers who’ve just experienced the unthinkable. I’ve watched as they shakily make tear-filled calls to loved ones, saying "I'm okay," but the reality is, they aren’t. ''

The Silent Aftermath of Retail Crime

The anxiety and stress from these incidents often lead to retail workers feeling overwhelmed and unsafe in their jobs, which can result in higher turnover as they choose to leave for positions they feel are less vulnerable to crime. Business owners may find the ongoing emotional and financial strain too much to bear, leading them to close or move on from the business altogether. This loss of experienced workers and business owners can have a significant long-term impact, not only on the individuals involved but also on the broader retail industry, economy and community.

The Ripple Effect of Ram Raids and Burglaries

Ram raids and burglaries may seem like quick, opportunistic crimes, but their effects ripple through the lives of those affected, long after the glass is swept away and the insurance claims are filed. The damage goes beyond what's visible, it  affects the emotional and mental well-being of retail workers, business owners, and their families, affecting livelihoods and peace of mind.

Our Commitment to Protecting Both Property and People

We understand the depth of these impacts. Our commitment is not just to secure properties but to ensure that the people behind these businesses feel safe and supported. Our goal is to provide a security presence that helps deter these crimes, giving business owners and retail workers the peace of mind they deserve. Because at the end of the day, true security isn’t just about protecting property - it’s about protecting people.

Security Starts with Prevention

If you're looking for expert guidance on preventing retail crime, Matt Murray is here to help. With extensive experience working with retail businesses across New Zealand and Australia, Matt specialises in creating tailored security strategies that reduce the risk of incidents like ram raids and burglaries.

Reach out to Matt today for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your security concerns: matthew.murray@alliedsecurity.co.nz

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